With our advancing age, there are involuntary changes in certain parts of our body. Various regions of the bones inward movement, wrinkles in some areas, sagging in some areas can be seen. For example, sagging in the arms or legs may be covered with some clothes maybe. Unfortunately, this is not the case for our face that we communicate with people every day. Our face is constantly getting in touch with the outside world and with advancing age, wrinkles get into trouble and sagging can be seen in various parts.
Non-surgical facial lifting procedures are generally applied to our customers who want to rejuvenate and they are satisfied with the results. Although the surgical methods that still use scalpel against sagging and wrinkles in the aesthetic field remain the priority, this method enables them to prevent sagging on their faces in a very comfortable way for our customers who are afraid of surgery and who are afraid of pain. For this reason, the applications that do not require surgical intervention are becoming more and more popular with each passing day.
As in many other fields, with the developing technology and medicine, it is possible to use more than one method in the “Non-surgical face lifting” operation. One of the common features of these methods is; the use of hyaluronic acid which effectively resolves deep wrinkles on the face in the shortest time. Thanks to this acid, you can see the effects of the application in a very short time and also remove the skin layers from the lower layers of your skin that are related to wrinkles and remove them.
Some of the main ones are as follows;
Facial Mesotherapy
It is the technique of transferring the liquid to the various wrinkle-containing areas of the face by micro injection method over the décolleté skin. In the liquid, there are substances that increase cell regeneration, trigger the production of substances that give elasticity to the skin and accelerate blood circulation. In cases such as blemishes or acne, substances which have stain-opening properties are added to the liquid. We use this treatment for lower eye bruises, skin blemishes, birthmarks and acne scars, wrinkles and sagging of the skin.
Face Lifting with VShape Method
VShape method is considered as one of the best applications without surgical methods. This method uses Vshape technology to heat the collagen fibers in the deep layers of the skin. Together with these heated fibers, the outer surface of the skin is visibly stretched. In addition, the sagging of the supporting tissues in the lower layers is recovered. The average session lasts 20 minutes and a cure of 4 sessions will be ideal for you.
If you want to get these and similar techniques from our expert, we would like to welcome you to our Medis Aesthetic Center. With our expert staff, we are happy to help you in your face lifting operations without seeing the scalpel face without surgery.